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Villainous Valet

A large group comes in at 6:30 to celebrate a birthday. It’s 15 people, they have a good time and then leave at 9:30.

About half of the party decides they’re not done for the evening, and walk to one of the local bars still serving alcohol. We close at 11 pm. Valet comes in to check with me at 11:45, the restaurant is empty and he has 4 sets of keys that no one has claimed and he’s leaving for the night.

I take the keys, place them in the safe. Leave, go home, relax.

The next morning at work there’s a ton of voicemails, all from the guests that showed up at 1:30 am to pick up their keys to find valet closed. Each message is increasingly ruder. I call them to reassure them that we have their keys in the safe, and get cussed out, by all of them.

Two people arrive, reeking of booze, complaining that they couldn’t drive home and had to take an Uber, and then demanded money as compensation. I was firm. I’m sorry that you were inconvenience by the situation, but the valet service is for our restaurant only and there is no way for them to contact you if you leave and go to a second location.

Another group shows up and does the same. Now they’re all standing outside the restaurant like a bunch of money hungry jackals. To be honest, they were lucky they didn’t get booted.

Three more people show up. It was like a video game and this was the final boss. All 7 accost me with one angry woman as the ring leader. She demands $800 in gift cards, which absolutely will not happen. She then tells me she has recorded evidence of other managers resolving this issue with gift cards. First no, and second, extortion! She then threatens my job, telling me she knew the owner. I asked her, who is the owner? Instead of answering she just demanded to know if I was going to take responsibility for their inconvenience by reimbursing them with gift cards. Uh no. Then she told me she worked for the city and was going to press charges. Ok, do that, lol.

She then dm’ed my chef and owner on Instagram demanding a full refund for everyone’s dinner, plus hotel accommodations and ubers. This bitch told me to my face that she had to break into her own apartment and then demanded $300 for a hotel stay that never happened. She wanted $5,000 compensation for being too stupid to realize that valet is not a 24 hours service. The audacity astounds me.